ICOM SM-30 | Desktop Mic


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Icom SM 30 Desktop Microphone

LAMCO Barnsley


Icom SM 30 Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Jnc 36 M1 Motorway. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu. hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store! HAM Radio Shop HAM Radio Shops Amateur Radio Dealers Amateur Radio Dealers UK. We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment. We are small enough to care and large enough to cope! Amateur Radio Retailers HAM Radio Dealer Supplier LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Jnc 36 M1 Motorway. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu. hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store! HAM Radio Shop HAM Radio Shops Amateur Radio Dealers Amateur Radio Dealers UK transceivers, antennas tuners, power supplies, d-star, system fusion, antenna, cb radio, scanners, receivers


Icom SM 30

An entry level desktop microphone designed to work with Icom’s range of HF base station radios.

  • Goose-neck desktop microphone with an 8-pin metal connector.
  • PTT / PTT lock switches.
  • Low-cut filter.
  • Cosmetic design matches smaller sized base station radios.
  • Voice characteristics designed for SSB and FM.
  • Adjustable microphone output level.
  • Icom SM-30.

Suitable for all Icom base units. Icom IC-7100 requires OPC-599.

Icom SM-30

Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales.We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu. hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store! HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK. Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment.We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

Icom SM-30,


SM 30,


Icom SM30,

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