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Icom SP-38 Extension Speaker USED | 12 Months Warranty


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Icom SP-38 Extension Speaker USED | 12 Months Warranty


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LDG AT-100Pro Autotuner, The LDG AT-100Pro is the next step in the evolution of the automatic tuner. This desktop tuner covers all frequencies from 1.8 – 54 MHz, and will automatically match your antenna in no time.

It features a two-position antenna switch, allowing you to switch instantly between two antennas. The AT-100Pro requires just 1 watt to operate but will handle up to 125 watts, making it suitable for everything from QRP up to a typical 100-watt transceiver. The AT-100Pro includes over 2,000 memories for each antenna, automatically storing tuning configurations for each frequency and band as you use them. Frequency-sensing circuitry lets the AT-100Pro “know” your operating band and frequency. Whenever you transmit on or near a frequency you’ve used before, the AT-100Pro can retune from memory almost instantly.

Rugged and easy-to-read LED bar graphs show power and SWR, and a Function key on the front panel allows you to access data like mode and status. The AT-100Pro uses latching relays which retain the tuned configuration indefinitely even when powered down; the current draw when not tuning is effectively zero.

The AT-100Pro uses LDG’s state-of-the-art processor-controlled Switched-L tuning network. It will match dipoles, verticals, inverted Vs or virtually any coax-fed antenna. With an optional LDG balun, you can also use longwires or antennas fed with ladder-line.

Control from the front panel is simple; just press Tune while transmitting a carrier, and the AT-100Pro will begin an automatic tuning cycle. For more integrated operation, optional interfaces are available for most Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu and Alinco transceivers. With the interface, a single button press transmits a carrier, executes a tuning cycle and returns the radio to its original power and mode